Tuesday, February 10, 2015

31 Days of Discipline and Confidence

2/12 - 3/14

1 - Daily Planning. Leave 3 hours of free time.
2 - Meditate 10 minutes 3 times a week
3 - Daily confidence affirmations
4 - Speak loudly every day.
5 - Eye contact with everyone. Smile as much as appropriate.  Look at a girl until she looks away. With guys nod acknowledged. Try to connect with everyone.
6 - 3 times per week supporting muscle exercises (neck, shoulder, hip) +/- supplements
Maximum 2 alcoholic drinks a week, masturbate no more than 4 times a week
7- Weekly reflection and goal planning

Confidence Affirmations

When I breath, I inhale confidence and certainty. I exhale timidity and self doubt
I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely.
I live in the present and am confident of the future.
I am well groomed, healthy and full of confidence.
My outer well being is matched by my inner well being.

My personality exudes confidence. I am bold and outgoing.
I am energetic and enthusiastic.
Energy creates energy. Motion creates emotion.
I love meeting strangers and approach them with boldness and enthusiasm.
I wear a bright smile on my face and greets people with warmth and good will.
I always attract only the best of circumstances and the best positive people in my life.

I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do.
I am a problem solver. I focus on solutions and always find the best solution.
I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations.
I love challenges. They bring out the best in me.

Confidence is my second nature.
Self confidence is what I thrive on.
Nothing is impossible and life is great.

Positivity Self Instructions

I emphasize the positive in everything I do. I look at the good that can come out of every situation.
I talk about the best qualities of every person I meet. I concentrate on the good aspect of every place and things. In both thoughts and speech, I chose positive words to describe everything. I am in favor of doing so, so that I will constantly be building my resistance to pessimism. I stay positive because success is positive and that's the side I always want to be on.

Relationship Affirmations

I am feeling relaxed, more relaxed. As I breathe in through my nose and breath out through my mouth 5 times I become totally relaxed now. In this relaxed state I feel energetic, alive, and powerful.
I love and accept myself completely.
I am a good person. I am smart, interesting, kind, and fun.
I am proud of my accomplishments. I feel strong, confident, and masculine. 

I am a sexy mother fucker.
I can think of many very attractive women who had a good time with me, and were very attracted to me.
I love and enjoy talking, flirting, and interacting with women.
I love women, the way they walk, talk, smile, dress, and laugh.
I love women, their body, breasts, arms, hands, legs, hips, and ass.
Women want to meet me.
Women think I am hot.
I know everywhere I go, some woman want to have sex with me. I just have to find out.
With women who are interested, I know I can emotionally connection with them.
I deserve to live a life filled with abundance of beautiful women pursuing me for sex.
I am comfortable and open with my sexuality, and women are comfortable and open being sexual with me.
I am a sexy mother fucker.
My body language is really relaxed now. I am a relaxed, confident, masculine, sexy motherfucker.
My face, eyes, and muscle are more relaxed and I am looking more masculine and sexy.
I feel and look happy. I am fun, relaxed, animated, charming like Cary Grant.
My voice is getting deeper, sexier, more sensual and seductive and with more volume.
When girls see me they say wow.
The longer I talk to them, the more they get to know me, the more attracted they are to me.
I am a sexy, confident, mother fucker.
Everywhere I go girls want to fuck me.
I love myself.

Confidence Booster

I am having a great time feeling so confident and assured and totally in command of everything I do.
I really enjoy walking up to girls and talking so easily and comfortable with them.
And charming them with my seductive words and voice.
I am really enjoying flirting with all kinds of women teasing them with sexy thoughts and suggestions.
And enjoying their fun and laughter. Knowing how easily I am captivating them.
And experiencing my powerful sexual attraction drawing women to me like a magnetic force. 

And it's great fun reading their body language signals.
And using their signals to guide my words and actions.
And knowing exactly what to say to excite them and feeling their desire for me growing more and more intense.

And it's so much fun feeling my own sexuality growing stronger and more confident and sensing women's sexual hunger for me growing more and more intense as I grow more and more confident in myself each and everyday knowing how special and unique I am and knowing I can have any woman I want.

And I really enjoying my affirmations. Know my confidence is growing stronger and stronger everyday.

Tasks and goals for the month

Personal capital
Real estate license
Mirror exercise
Improve appearance
Follow-up apartments
Refinance mortgage
Improve credit scores
Re-do online dating profile

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