Sunday, October 12, 2014

Family Meeting 10/12/2014

Need to follow-up on the Weekly Agenda at least every other day.
Morning ritual - 3 self instruction every morning + 4 minutes of day planning
Evening Ritual
- Thoracic spine stretch, meditation, wash face, flossing, brushing teeth


Priority - stretch thoracic spine 4x week + Meditation
Continue hip therapy
Cut down ETOH - 1/2 drink/day
Ground turkey, green pepper
Continue Latisse
Focus on shrugs for work out

IBS is still irritating, but improving.
- Probiotics.
- Soluble fiber


Finish writing recommendation letter.
FB Michele Higley
Black Swan, Felix Dennis


Party planning
What do I look for in a girl
Plan for Friday night

1 - Update online profile
2 - Positivity challenge
3 - Organize notes from Luis
4 - No more Mr. Nice Guy
5 - Social hobbies

Send out 200 online messages. (2 hours)
Order ring
Order Tattos

Social activities. Be a leader.
Prioritize my life. Marriage, children. 

October goals - 2 more high quality dates
Change age in by the end of month

1 -MIND – Be strong, be disciplined, be accountable. Love myself, live on the edge, face my fear, don’t make excuses, never quit.
2 -LIFE STYLE – Stay organized, enjoy the moment, appreciate the beauty in this world.
3 – MONEY – Invest wisely, avoid greed, keep my skills sharp, build/achieve.
4 – BODY BUILDING & NUTRITION – Stay healthy, balanced muscular development, improve explosiveness, posture, avoid toxic food for my body.
5 – PEOPLE – Don’t judge, appreciate people. Seek to connect. Respect myself, respect others. Be a leader. Be positive. Be authentic.
6 – WOMEN – Communicate, love and appreciate women. Put myself first. Set clear boundary from the beginning. Lead and protect.

Focus, discipline.

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