Saturday, April 12, 2014



Shoulder - lateral, anterior, posterior raises 8 x 2 sets.
Dumbbell presses 5 lbs x 5 reps
Half push-ups x 10 reps
Planks - 1 minute x 5 push-ups x 2 sets

Affirmation x 2

Life is good, life is beautiful. I am feeling good. I feel awesome. I breathe in the fresh air, in and out, feeling relaxed. With each breath in and out I feel more relaxed. I will act as if I am a confident man. I walk, tall, relaxed, calm, looking men and women in the eye. I will act as if I am a confident men. I will act as if I am a sex men. A men that all women want to fuck. I am a confident man. I am a sexy man. Everywhere I go women want to fuck me. I am a sexual man. I love women. I love my life. I enjoy my life. I am confident, bad ass, sexy, sexual, and masculine. Everywhere I go, women are checking me out, getting wet in her panties, getting horny, wanting to fuck me. I am a cool, bad ass, sexy, good looking motherfucker.  I feel a glowing, warm, clam, power magnetic force around me that draws women towards me. My body language is cool, confident, relaxed, sexy. I can feel women checking me out. I catch the eyes of women checking me out. I am a flirtatious motherfucker. Hehe. I am a sexy confident beast. I am a leader. An alpha male. I live on my own terms. I am confident and sexual. I am good looking. Meeting women is easy. Everywhere I go women want to fuck me :)

Approaches 8 35 more to go

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