Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Desire, positive attitude, intentness, entitlement, masculinity.
Social, positive confident
Enjoy my trip, be in the moment

5-30 approaches

120 pof, Tinder

2 sets number close
Approach girls where there are people within 5 feet
Approach fast walking girls

Be a scumbag

Paint night

Date with a slightly hotter girl than Katie - Americanized or white

Briefly about my 6 month goal - be dating a girl that is marriage material!

To get there I need to go on dates with about 20 attractive girls.

1000 approached to get 10 dates. About 40 approaches a week.
2000 online messages to get 10 dates.  About 80 messages a week. Will divide up between okcupid, tinder, match, POF.
Will add to this.

Goal for the week - 10 decent conversations with girls
Review juggler conversation technique
Send out 80 pof messages

 6/16 - 6/21

Exude positive energy.
Love your self, self love.
Be masculine, confident, talk loud. Be a leader (Enders game) leading. (Review self instructions)
Be a legit dirt bag. Love women.

Finish OK Cupid Profile
40 approaches including shop girls, groups, where people are watching
Review juggler conversation technique.
10 decent conversations (did not accomplish last week), lead the girl to instant date or sit down
Benzoyl peroxide to help with acne x 5 days

6/22 -  6/25

Voice exercise in the car
OK Cupid profile
Picture with white coat
Same day, same night date

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