Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Desire, positive attitude, intentness, entitlement, masculinity.
Social, positive confident
Enjoy my trip, be in the moment

5-30 approaches

120 pof, Tinder

2 sets number close
Approach girls where there are people within 5 feet
Approach fast walking girls

Be a scumbag

Paint night

Date with a slightly hotter girl than Katie - Americanized or white

Briefly about my 6 month goal - be dating a girl that is marriage material!

To get there I need to go on dates with about 20 attractive girls.

1000 approached to get 10 dates. About 40 approaches a week.
2000 online messages to get 10 dates.  About 80 messages a week. Will divide up between okcupid, tinder, match, POF.
Will add to this.

Goal for the week - 10 decent conversations with girls
Review juggler conversation technique
Send out 80 pof messages

 6/16 - 6/21

Exude positive energy.
Love your self, self love.
Be masculine, confident, talk loud. Be a leader (Enders game) leading. (Review self instructions)
Be a legit dirt bag. Love women.

Finish OK Cupid Profile
40 approaches including shop girls, groups, where people are watching
Review juggler conversation technique.
10 decent conversations (did not accomplish last week), lead the girl to instant date or sit down
Benzoyl peroxide to help with acne x 5 days

6/22 -  6/25

Voice exercise in the car
OK Cupid profile
Picture with white coat
Same day, same night date

Sunday, May 25, 2014

5/25 - 5/31

Last week was a great success, achieved all the goals that I set out
I planned to get a date and I got one
Got all my approaches in

Things to work on

Don't eject
Leading the girl(watch GLL and internalize different methods and situations where he leads)
- Ask for sun glasses, come here I want to talk to you for a second
Approach 2 sets (done 2x)
Be more animated, louder, facially expressive at work and translate that to talking to girls
- Continue to visualize success

Cold Approach

5 approaches- pretty much done, maybe one more tomorrow

Online Dating

Set-up Match.com profile - did not, but setup Tinder, got a few matches

Hit up some couch surfers in Stockholm (10 a day until I get 3 yes response) - 7 responses

Order white coat on Amazon (Done)

Inner game

Mediate 10 minutes the altered state writing 5 minutes (Monday, Tuesday)
Visualize who I want to be, and being with my ideal girl

Make sure I write out my goals before leaving for Sweden.

6 Month goal -

Have a girlfriend with marriage potential

Action - cold approach and online dating
Will figure out how to have parties with younger girls.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

5/18 - 5/24

Be energetic, warm, happy, loud, friendly with people. Speak up, speak loud in the OR. Be that confident and charismatic person. Be masculine and flirtatious with all girls - nurses, pharmacist, shop keepers, cashier.  


Self Instructions when brushing teeth.

Meditate 4 times.
1 - Done, sunday
2 - Thursday
3 - Friday night
4 -Saturday morning




1 - Asian girl - has BF
2 - 2 set at Banana Republic -  only hit and run, need to make my intention clear next time
3 - JHU - walked off to find her sister
4 - Marie at parking meter - again, early eject since someone else was coming up behind her

5 - Grand Hope Park - engaged with a cool ring, friendly response

6 - Marina looking at apples - scared her, walked off
7 - Korea girl - married
8 - Leggy blonde - pleasant but has BF

9 - Express - cute but married
10 - Target - not cute, would bit bang

Santa Monica
French girl # close
Ukranian in bookstore, super nice but married
Awkward walking girl, seeing someone
Jennifer - In H7M, slowly walked off
Finnish girl with BF
Juliana - Nordstrome, visiting from SD
Carnie - awkward Asian girl with friends
Weird chinese girl with family
Swizerland girl leaving tomorrow
Katy - friendly Russian girl, # close

GLL routines
- you can be my body guard (squeeze arm)
- aren't you gonna tell me I am attractive also
- shopping for shoes?

- cold read. Let me guess where you are from, what you do?

Ask for number on any interaction that the girl looks attracted or last more than 1 minute

Online Dating

Finish OK cupid profile
80 POF messages


Swam 400 meters Tuesday
Bike 3.5 miles - 14:25

Saturday, May 10, 2014

5/11 - 5/17

Personal goals for the week:

Be more energetic, warm, happy, loud, friendly with people. Speak up in the OR. Be that confident and charismatic person. Be flirtatious with girls. 

Approaches and OLD

6 approaches in DTLA, 15 total
(8-10 in Santa Monica on Sunday)
(3 in DTLA)
(3 Arcadia Mall)
(8 at the Grove)
40 e-mails on online dating sites (done)
Set-up match.com profile


Swimming  - Saturday 500 meters, Monday 500 meters (breathing improved by sinking chest down, looking slightly up, and turn the left side more towards the back), Tuesday 400 meters freestyle non-stop, Friday 400 meters

Legs - 1.5 miles 14:40

Upper body x 2 -

Shoulder - Anterior, Lateral, Posterior raises 5lbs x12
Dumb bell military press - 10 lbs x 10
Curls - 15 lbs, 20 lbs x 10
Pull-down - 5 x 10 reps
Seated Row - 5 x 10 reps
Shrugs 10 reps
Lateral core - 5 reps each side

Curls - 15 lbs, 20 lbs x 10
Pull-down - 5 x 10 reps, 6 x 8 reps
Seated Row - 5 x 10 reps
Bench press - 10 x 5, 10 x 6

Reverse leg lift  - 2 x 1 minutes

Plank push-ups - Wednesday 10 reps 1:35

Leg lift - 30 seconds x 2

Meditation - 4 days total
Sunday - 10 minutes
Monday - 10 minutes
Saturday - 10 minute, 10 minutes

Sunday, May 4, 2014

5/4-5/10 Workouts

Shoulder - Anterior, Lateral, Posterior raises 5lbs x 10
Dumb bell military press - 10 lbs x 5
Curls - 15 lbs, 20 lbs x 10
Pull-down - 5 x 10 reps
Seated Row - 5 x 10 reps
Bench - 5 x 10 reps
Shrugs 10 reps
Lateral core - 5 reps each side

Add these exercise next time - side plank, plank

3 Approaches at Ralphs
1 number

20 messages on POF

Saturday 5/10/2014

Walk 5 minutes on treadmill
Stationary bike 2 miles 8:15

Shoulder - Anterior, Lateral, Posterior raises 5lbs x 12
Dumb bell military press - 10 lbs x 10
Curls - 15 lbs, 20 lbs x 10
Pull-down - 5 x 10 reps
Seated Row - 5 x 10 reps
Plank/Push-ups - 9 in 1:35 mins

Saturday, May 3, 2014



Stationary bike - 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 2 min
Legs abduction and adduction - 10 reps, 15 reps
Air squats - 10 reps, 10 ATG
Dead Lift - 10 reps with 10 lbs
Jumps - Low 10 reps, Mid 10 reps

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Current Fittness Status 5/1/2014


400 meters 14:33
500 meters 16:00


1 mile - 10:25
1.5 miles - 14:40 (5/17/2014)


2 miles - 9:30


1:30 minutes - 8 push ups
2 minutes - 20 push-ups 5/27/2014

10 by 12/15, 8 by 6/15, 5 by 12/14
10 pull downs half way - weight 5

May 2014

Goals for May

1 - Become a more positive person
2 -  Becoming less sarcastic
3 -  Model cool, confident guys
4 -  Become more masculine
5 -  90 approaches and complete Santa Monica, Grove experiment (develop screening mindset)
Find a way to do 5 approaches between bookstore and downtown.
6 - Be more energetic
7 - Have online profile set up for OK cupid and Match
8 - Go to 2 meet-up events
9 - Develop meditation habits
10 - Be a leader